Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How to maintain your car battery - car maintenance tips from Toyota of N Charlotte

Your car battery has the responsibility of storing the energy needed to start your North Charlotte Toyota. Once the car engine starts, the alternator begins to recharge the battery for the next time it needs to start. Your regular car maintenance checks shouldn’t only include all of the mechanical portions of your vehicle, but the electrical ones too! This includes cleaning the battery of any and all debris, keeping all of the connections clean, and making sure the battery is secured in its place. Luckily, our Charlotte auto service techs have come up with tips on car battery maintenance just for you!

4 Car battery warning signs that are letting you know you need some car maintenance 
  1. It takes awhile for your engine to crank.
When you try to start your vehicle, trying to turn on your engine will be sluggish and take longer than usual to start. 
      2. Your vehicle headlights are dim.
If your car battery is failing on you, there isn’t going to be enough juice to power all of the electrical mechanisms in your vehicle - such as your headlights. If you realize that it’s becoming increasingly harder to see the road at night, it’s time to check your Toyota of N Charlotte vehicle’s battery.
      3.  Needing to press your gas pedal to start the car.
It’s unusual to need to give your car some gas in order for it to start. If you notice that your North Charlotte Toyota is only starting after pressing the gas pedal, your car battery might be failing on you. 

      4. Your vehicle starts backfiring. 
This sign is the most obvious. When your car battery starts to fail, it can cause intermittent sparks to emit from your vehicle. These sparks can lead to the accumulation of fuel in your car’s cylinders. Ignited fuel can cause your car to backfire - this can be very dangerous! If you notice any backfiring, visit our Toyota of N Charlotte auto service center to schedule a car maintenance appointment and get a car battery replacement right away!

5 car maintenance tips you can use to avoid these car battery issues in your N Charlotte Toyota
     1. Avoid leaving your car lights on for a long period of time with the engine off. 
Leaving any or all of your car lights on while the car engine is off will drain your vehicle’s battery. This issue can usually be fixed by a car jump or recharge, but leaving your lights on consistently can damage the battery entirely. 

     2. Drive your vehicle as regularly as often as you can.
Powering up your vehicle and driving it around keeps your battery well-charged. If your car is going to be out of use for longer than a few weeks, it’s important to remember to disconnect your battery console until it’s time to drive again. 

     3. Keep your N Charlotte Toyota’s battery casing clean. 
Dirt, debris, and moisture can cause your car battery to lose its charge. To avoid this issue, make sure to check the case and terminals. If you start noticing any corrosion and rusting on your terminals, clean it off right away. If you’re not sure how to do this on your own, contact one of our Charlotte auto service techs for car maintenance help.

     4.  Park somewhere warm and out of extreme temperatures in the winter. 
Extreme cold can damage your vehicle’s battery over time. To avoid this, park your vehicle inside of you garage, if possible, to avoid a shortened battery lifespan.

     5. Replace your battery every three to four years. 
On average, your car battery can last up to three years. This heavily depends on driving conditions and weather. Take the time to bring your car into our Toyota of N Charlotte dealership to get regular car maintenance checks.

Need to schedule a car maintenance appointment with us? Call one of our auto service techs here at Toyota of N Charlotte at (704) 659-2025 or visit our dealership located at  13429 Statesville Rd just off I-77 at exit 23 in Huntersville.

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