Friday, November 1, 2019

Tips to help prevent auto repair issues

Car owners know the risk they take when purchasing a vehicle━upkeep can become a money pit, if you don’t maintain your car’s health. It’s exhausting running into auto repair concerns with your car and sometimes these are completely unnecessary and avoidable concerns. Your local Toyota of N Charlotte dealership is here to help take the stress out of car maintenance with our top tips on how to avoid auto repair issues.
toyota of n charlotte maintenance tips

Don’t get caught in a bind━practice preventative techniques with Toyota of N Charlotte

Tip #1: Stay up-to-date with a regular car maintenance schedule
We at Toyota of N Charlotte cannot stress enough how important it is to stick to a schedule for regular car care. We know we’re annoying about it, but we only do it because we care. Regular car maintenance isn’t something to joke about. It could mean the difference between having the shell out a bunch of money on some avoidable repair problems and saving a few bucks from being on the ball with the upkeep.

Tip #2: Address any concerns ASAP
As soon as you know of any potential problems with your vehicle, you should begin working towards a solution. The longer you wait, the higher the possibility of your car needing costly auto repairs. Set up an appointment with our service center to check out your concerns right away!

Tip #3: Don’t ignore the dash
Your ride’s dashboard is designed to tell you more about your car than you’d be able to see otherwise. If there is something wrong with your engine, the check engine light will tell you so. If you need an oil change, there’s a light for that too. Take those warning lights seriously and you may save yourself time major time and money in the long run.

Tip #4: React to unusual sounds
You know the basics of your car more than anyone else. Yes, that includes car maintenance techs too. You’re the one who drives your car day in and day out, so when you hear a sound that seems unfamiliar to you, that probably means something’s not quite right and you should get it looked at as soon as possible.
auto repair issues

Tip #5: Consider switching to synthetic
Synthetic oil, although not always necessary, can be a good switch for your vehicle’s engine. It runs cleaner, promotes better fuel economy, and lasts longer than the standard conventional option. If you have more questions on whether you should switch to synthetic, check in with one of our knowledgeable N Charlotte service techs. They’d be happy to explain the best option for your car!

Tip #6: Practice proper tire care
The tires are (literally) the foundation of your car. Without them, how would you go anywhere? With that being said, it is so SO important to make sure they are kept in good condition. That means you must make sure the air pressure is at a safe level and that the treads have plenty of traction to them. Keeping your tires in good driving condition will ultimately help in avoiding unnecessary auto repairs.

Let our N Charlotte Toyota service center help keep your car safe from those pesky repairs. Stop by 7 days a week at 13429 Statesville Rd just off I-77 at exit 23 in Huntersville!

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