Monday, December 2, 2019

Work to prevent car tire blowouts with simple car care

No one ever wants to experience a car tire blowout. Not only are the noise and sensation frightening, a blowout is exceptionally dangerous - you can lose control of your vehicle rapidly and end up in a collision. That's why we took the time to sit down with our Charlotte auto service techs - they gave us some simple car care rules to abide by to help prevent car tire blowouts from happening at all. Check it out - you don't have to spend a lot of time or money to avoid this roadside emergency!

Charlotte auto service tips

5 car care rules to avoid blowouts

Rule #1: Never overload your car. Your car has a weight limit, no matter how tough or durable your ride may be. Never overload your car - this puts a lot of stress on your tires as they flex to try and support the extra weight. This actually leads to them flexing too far, doing irreparable damage, and blowing out. Check your owner's manual to see what your car's max weight is before you load up.

Rule #2: Stick to a car care schedule at all times. You need to stick to a routine car tire care schedule in order to help prevent blowouts - luckily, our Charlotte Toyota service techs can get you on one right now and help you stick to it. Routinely getting tire rotations, wheel alignments, and replacements can extend your car tires' lives and ensure you're safe every time you hit the road.

Rule #3: Give your tires TLC in the summertime. Summertime means hot and even extreme temperatures. It also means the pavement is exceptionally hot. All of these factors mean undue wear and tear and stress on your car tires, which leaves them prone to blowouts. Inspect them carefully or bring them to Toyota of N Charlotte for inspection on a regular basis during the summer season.

Rule #4: Pay attention to your PSI. Your tires should be inflated to the right PSI at all times - after all, that air pressure is what keeps the weight of your vehicle supported. If it's too low, the tire has to flex past its limits to support the weight of the vehicle. That's why it's essential to keep your tires inflated to the right level at all times. You can find this number both in your owner's manual and on a placard on the driver's side door jamb, as well as ask our car care techs when you come in.

Rule #5: Avoid potholes and curbs. Driving through potholes and into curbs can do damage to your car tire that you may not even be able to see... but it's there, which makes you more prone to a blowout. If you hit a curb or a pothole, bring your ride to our Charlotte Toyota service center to have our expert techs inspect it carefully for you.

Schedule car tire care at Toyota of N Charlotte 

Want to schedule car tire service today or get on a routine schedule? Call our Charlotte auto service center at (704) 659-2025.

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