Monday, June 22, 2020

Stay cool all season long with these summer car care tips

Summer is a great season in the state of NC - it's the perfect time to hit the beach, get out and hike the trails you've been eyeing since spring arrived, and cool off at the lake. Summer, however, can also mean intense heat and high humidity, neither of which is good for your car OR your driving experience. Toyota of N Charlotte is here to help - our expert auto service techs have summer car care tips on how to stay cool behind the wheel all season long. 

4 car care tips to stay cool this summer 

Tip #1: Be strategic about your parking spots. 
It can really make a difference in the interior temperature of your car if you're careful about where you park. Parking in a home garage or parking garage is best, but a carport or covered parking can keep the sun off your car and help keep things cooler inside. Even a shady spot under a tree can make a difference when it comes to keeping your N Charlotte Toyota cooler! 

Tip #2: Cool down your car quickly. 
Have you ever opened the driver's door to your car after a hot summer day and felt that blast of hot air escape, kind of like an oven? It's not a good feeling, especially when you know you have to get into the driver's seat. Our car care experts have tips to cool things off quickly, though. First of all, open all the doors of the vehicle for a minute or two to let hot air out. Next, close the doors but roll down the windows and blast the A/C so hot air gets pushed out and cool air starts to circulate. Finally, close the windows to seal the cold air in, and hit the road. 

Tip #3: Shield the interior from the sun. 
It really helps if you can shield your car's interior from the sun to keep the inside of it cool. A few car care experts highly recommend getting a sunshade for the interior of your N Charlotte Toyota, and window tinting can make a big difference. It's also recommended that you at least cover your steering wheel with a towel or turn it 180 degrees when you park so it's not too hot to hold when you first get into the car. 

Tip #4: Take care of your air. 
It's important to maintain your A/C carefully all year so you can use it when you need it most. Our Charlotte car care experts recommend scheduling A/C service at the recommended intervals and if you notice any problems, bring your car in right away to have it fixed. 

Toyota of N Charlotte can handle all of your summer car care needs 

Want more tips? Call Toyota of N Charlotte's car care center today at (704) 659-2025. We're here and waiting to get you back on the road and stay cool all summer long. 

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