Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Car care tips: What to do if your car runs out of gas

 Part of car care - responsible car care, that is - is keeping your car fueled up at all times. We know it can be tempting to let your N Charlotte Toyota run until the fuel light comes on before you break down and hit the gas station, but this is actually not great for your car. Our car care experts are here to explain and also have tips on how to react should you find yourself in this unfortunate situation. 

car ran out of gas

How can running on empty derail your car care? 

First, let's talk about what happens when you skimp on car care and let your car get to empty on a regular basis. Not only does it leave you at risk of getting stranded on the side of the road because you completely run out of fuel, but it can also leave you at risk for car care issues like: 

  • A damaged fuel pump: Your car's fuel pump is supposed to stay submerged in fuel at all times for maximum performance. Why? Because as it sends fuel to the engine, it tends to get hot. The fuel that it's submerged in keeps it cool and lubricated. If you regularly run your car on empty, it puts more wear and tear on this critical part and eventually, can cause it to give out. It's an expensive repair, so don't risk it. 
  • A clogged fuel filter: Your gas tank will start to collect dirt and debris over time; this is pretty typical. But when there's fuel in the tank, the dirt and debris tend to sink to the bottom and stay out of the way. If you don't have fuel in the tank, there's a higher risk of the debris being sucked into the fuel pump and clogging the fuel filter. This slows the flow of gas to your engine, creating performance problems. 
  • Engine misfiring: If your fuel tank is empty, your fuel pump could start pulling in air. This causes engine misfiring which is disconcerting to deal with AND can cause more issues down the road for your engine at large. 

That's why we urge you to always keep your car fueled up - ideally, it's best to not let your car get below half a tank. At the very last, gas up as soon as your gas light turns on. 

Toyota of N Charlotte tips

What should you do if your N Charlotte Toyota runs out of gas? 

But what if it slips your mind and you simply run out of gas? First, don't panic. When it's completely out of fuel, your engine will start to splutter and stall. This means you need to get to the side of the road NOW - you don't have long before it dies completely. Do your best to get out of traffic and to a safe spot on the side, where you should park, turn your car off, and turn on your hazard lights. You should then call for help - call a friend to bring you a few gallons of gas in a can, or call emergency roadside assistance (like AAA). Worst case, you might have to call a tow truck to get your car to the nearest gas station. 

If your car dies in the middle of the road before you can get to the side, do your best to move it. But if traffic is heavy, call 911 for emergency assistance. The police can use their lights to make your car more noticeable to other drivers (and help avoid a collision) until a tow truck arrives, or help you get the car off the road safely. 

Have questions about car care, fuel, or anything else automotive? Call us today! Toyota of N Charlotte is open seven days a week at (704) 659-2025. 

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