Tuesday, June 15, 2021

5 signs that it’s time for a wheel alignment 

Did you know that you’re supposed to have a wheel alignment every 2-3 years? Having a regular wheel alignment will help your tires last longer, have better suspension, and improve your gas mileage! At Toyota of N Charlotte, we have the best auto service technicians to help get your car back in business. If you forget to have a wheel alignment, then you can look for the following signs. 

Toyota auto service tech

#1 Your Toyota car starts to pull. 

If you feel that your Toyota of N Charlotte car starts to pull to the left or right, then this is a huge warning sign! You shouldn’t have to constantly shift your steering wheel back toward the center while driving. 

#2 The steering wheel is off-center. 

If you notice that your Toyota car starts to get off-centered, then you should take your car into Toyota of N Charlotte to have our expert auto service technicians check it out for you! 

Those vibrations mean it’s time for a wheel alignment! 

#3 Car or steering wheel starts to shake. 

Another telltale sign is if your car or your steering wheel starts to shake. Yes, you heard that right… it can shake! However, the vibration or shaking could mean that something else, that is more serious, is wrong with your Toyota car. 

#4 Your tires wearing down. 

If your tires start to get worn down a lot faster than they used to, then it's time to take your car into the Toyota of N Charlotte auto service technicians for a wheel alignment. You should check your tires every day as part of your car inspection, and your tires should wear evenly on the inside and outside of the tire. You don’t want to drive down to the thread of the tire just because your car isn’t aligned. 

Worn tires at wheel alignment

#5 Your Toyota car sharply pulls in one direction. 

While you’re driving, your car should stay in the center. However, if your car suddenly takes a sharp turn to the left or right, then you should get your car realigned ASAP. This will also help you stay car accident-free and keep your car in tip-top condition. 

It’s so important to get regular wheel alignments on your Toyota of N Charlotte car. It’s normal to go over bumps and cracks and to slowly have debris change your tire angles. Also, if you happen to go over large potholes, objects on the road that shouldn’t be there, or even get into a car accident then your suspension will get out of alignment. Not to mention, you could damage other parts on your pretty, little Toyota car. 

Come see us at Toyota of N Charlotte! 

Our Toyota of N Charlotte auto service technicians can check out and fix your wheel alignment today! We have the best people here that care about the integrity of your car. Book an appointment today and come see us at 13429 Statesville Road. Just take exit 23 off I-77 in Huntersville! 

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