Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Do you know how to defog your windshield?

Foggy windshields can be both annoying and dangerous. Why does your windshield fog up, and how can you defog it so your commute is as safe as possible? Toyota of N Charlotte is here to explain why this driving hazard happens in the first place as well as how to quickly and efficiently defog a windshield before you hit the road. 

First, let's discuss why foggy windshields happen to begin with. It all boils down to the weather outside (specifically, the temperature) and the moisture in and around your N Charlotte Toyota. Here's what our car care experts had to say about it. 

how to defog a windshield

Why does the windshield get foggy? 

When it's cold outside, the moisture inside of your car hits the cold glass of your windshields and windows. When it hits this cool temperature, it meets the "dew point" where it forms fog on the inside of the glass. The moisture in your cabin can come from general humidity, your breath, wet shoes and umbrellas, etc. 

When it's hot and humid outside, the air outside of your vehicle has a lot of moisture in it. When the air hits the cool glass of your windshield and windows (especially if you have your A/C running), it forms fog on the outside of the glass. This can also happen when it's raining

Either way, it's a bad situation to drive in because it impedes your field of vision. This means you're a lot more likely to get into a car accident.

How to defog a windshield: N Charlotte Toyota tips 

So how can you quickly and effectively defog a windshield? Here are Toyota of N Charlotte's top tips for making it happen. 

  • If it's cold outside, you have a multi-step process in front of you but the good news is, it shouldn't take too long. Here are the steps to take to defog your windshield in this scenario: 
    • Turn on your defroster as a temporary solution - your focus after that should be getting the moisture out of the car. 
    • Next, turn on your A/C. We know it's cold, but running the A/C will help pull the moisture out of the air and cause the fog to dissipate. 
    • Also, turn off the recirculating feature. You don't want to cycle the same humid air through the cabin; you want to pull fresh cold air in from the outside to help get rid of moisture. 
    • Finally, open your windows to try and get rid of the last of the humidity. 
  • If it's hot outside, the process is much easier. Remember, in this scenario the fog is on the outside of the glass. To defog your windshield, just roll down the windows to clear them and turn on your front and rear windshield wipers. 
And there are ways to make it less likely that you'll need to defog your windshield. Here are some quick tips: 
  • Keep the glass clean. Moisture sticks to dirt, so you're a lot more likely to have a foggy windshield if your glass isn't clean. 
  • When it's cold out, try to shake out your umbrella and dry off your shoes before you get in the car. 
  • Keep up to date on routine car care for your car's air-conditioning and defroster at Toyota of N Charlotte. 
  • Buy a defogging solution at Toyota of N Charlotte's parts store. Our techs can help you find what you need - you should buy one designated for interior glass and one for exterior glass. 
  • Try shaving cream! Some drivers swear that applying a layer to the inside of your windshield and then wiping it off can prevent fog from forming on the inside of the glass. 

Let Toyota of N Charlotte help you defog your windshield - call us today at (704) 659-2025 or stop by! We're just off I-77 at exit 23 in Huntersville at 13429 Statesville Road. 


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