Thursday, May 9, 2019

Toyota of North Charlotte's Guide to Engine Filters

Your N Charlotte Toyota vehicle's engine needs a plethora of parts to function normally. Fluids, mechanical components, hoses, and much more come into play when it comes to making sure that your engine fires up at the turn of the key. One particular component type that works to make sure your fluids are in good condition are your engine filters. These parts work constantly to keep your engine's free of blockages. While reading this article certainly won't make you an auto service expert, it does pay to keep track of the various parts of your Charlotte Toyota's engine, like your engine filters.

Toyota of N Charlotte engine filter replacement.

Fuel, Oil, Air. There's a Filter for Everything

Your engine requires fluids to operate correctly and your engine filters are essential in ensuring that your engine is free of blockages and clean. Filters are also responsible for keeping the air your breathe in the cabin clean and that combustion runoff is less toxic than it is in its original form. These are a few engine filters that you can typically find in your Charlotte Toyota engine: 

  • Oil Filters: Motor oil is an essential fluid that you need for your engine to run and as your Charlotte Toyota vehicle runs the oil typically gets dirty and needs to be changed after so many miles. To improve the longevity of your engine's motor oil, oil filters are used. This engine filter works to remove metal particles from the engine that can build up over time. Our auto service techs recommend replacing this filter every two years in modern vehicles and every year in older models. 
  • Engine Air Filters: In order for your engine to burn gasoline during the combustion process, it needs to take in air. This type of engine filter works to make sure that combustion occurs under the best possible circumstances by using cleaner air. This keeps your Charlotte Toyota engine healthy and conserves on fuel. Typically, these engine filters can be made using paper, cotton, or foam. 
  • Fuel Filters: While you may think that the gasoline or diesel fuel that comes out of the pump is perfectly fine to put in your engine, you'd be wrong. Fuel comes with its own variety of pollutants that can badly affect your engine if left unchecked over time. This engine filter helps to remove a large amount of fuel related pollutants to preserve your Charlotte Toyota engine. 
  • Emission Valve and Filter: Both an engine filter and emission system that actively cycles harmful fumes back to the engine. This maximizes fuel efficiency and helps mitigate air pollutants emitting from the engine. 
  • Cabin Air Filter: The cabin filter doesn't work to keep your engine clean, but it does help you breathe in clean air while you're inside your N Charlotte Toyota vehicle. This engine filter helps to remove harmful particles as it moves through your A/C system. 
When it comes to engine filters, setting it and forgetting about them is the usual procedure, but you need to make sure that these essential parts are taken care of to keep your vehicle running properly. Fortunately, Toyota of N Charlotte is here to help. Our auto service experts can help keep your engine filters clean and your vehicle running well. Give us a call at (407) 298 - 0001 to set up an appointment today. 

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