Monday, April 6, 2020

Car maintenance for staying at home

Are you finding yourself sticking closer to home as we deal with COVID-19? You're not the only one - since the stay-at-home order has been issued for Mecklenburg County, plenty of drivers have been hanging up their car keys except for essential business. However, just because you're not out driving your vehicle every day doesn't mean you can skimp out on essential car maintenance. You'll actually need to alter your car care schedule a bit and Toyota of N Charlotte is here with tips to help you do it! 

Toyota service

Don't leave your car unattended - use these car maintenance tips to keep it running like-new

#1: Be mindful of your car tires. 
You want your car tires to be in the best possible condition when you can hit the road again, so you need to do a bit of car maintenance while your car is staying put. Basically, when a car is parked for long periods of time, it can develop soft flat spots where the tires touch the pavement. These spots leave you prone to flats and blowouts, and you'll more than likely have to replace your car tires. Our Charlotte auto service techs recommend going out every few days to move your car in the driveway, if only a few feet, to prevent these spots from forming. 

car tire care

#2: Choose where you park carefully. 
If your car is going to be staying put in one spot, choose that spot carefully. Your best bet is a garage where your car is locked up and protected from the elements, but if you can't swing that, try to at least find covered parking (like a carport) or even a parking spot under some shady trees. Remember - sunlight, rain, and dust can all damage your car's paint and subsequently, your car's metalwork. Our Charlotte Toyota service techs recommend finding an affordable car cover if your ride is going to be out in the elements for long. 

#3: Fill your gas tank up before you park. 
This car maintenance is easy - simply fill your gas tank before you park! When your gas tank has room to spare, condensation can form inside of it. This can spell real trouble for your engine (and in turn, expensive auto repairs). By filling up your gas tank, you leave no room for condensation AND you're ready to hit the road at any time. If your car is going to sit for more than a few weeks, you might also want to look into a fuel additive to preserve it. Our Charlotte Toyota parts store can help you choose one. 

#4: Don't let the battery go flat. 
It's always a risk that the car battery will go flat when you leave your car sitting in one spot and don't go anywhere for a while - and that means you'll likely need a new battery before you can get back out on the road. We recommend that you go out and start your car every week, and let it run for a few minutes (maybe turn on some tunes and enjoy the privacy). It also doesn't hurt to take it for a ride to give the battery some extra juice, so if you have essential errands, take your car to complete them. 

Toyota of N Charlotte is open and here to help! 

Want more tips or need to schedule any other car maintenance before you park your ride? Toyota of N Charlotte is here to help AND we're open normal business hours for all of your automotive needs. Call us at (704) 659-2025, or swing by and see us at 13429 Statesville Road, just off I-77 at exit 23. 

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